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Bạn trầm trồ khi thấy các cao thủ IELTS dùng idioms rất thành thạo và mình thì ước ao được 1 phần thôi cũng được? Xài idioms trong bài thi IELTS không khó như bạn nghĩ đâu. Bài viết này chắt lọc các idioms dễ nhớ nhất để dù bạn mới ôn IELTS cũng dùng được ngay để tăng điểm vocabulary nhé!

Các idioms được liệt kê kèm theo từ loại, định nghĩa và ví dụ để các bạn biết cách dùng chính xác trong bài thi IELTS speaking nhé!

1. Once in a blue moon (trạng từ chỉ tần suất):

Definition: Happens very rarely – Hiếm khi

A student will get a 9 in the IELTS writing test once in a blue moon.

2. A drop in the ocean (danh từ):

Definition: A very small part of something much bigger – Một phần rất nhỏ

Just learning idioms is a drop in the ocean when it comes to preparing for the speaking test.

3. Be/ go back to the drawing board (động từ):

Definition: When you attempted to do something but failed and have to try again – Cố gắng làm gì nhưng không có kết quả và phải bắt đầu lại

I got 4.5 in reading! Oh well, back to the drawing board.

4. The in thing (danh từ):

Definition: Something fashionable – Thời trang

The new iPhone is really the in thing at the moment.

5. Off the top of my head (trạng từ):

Definition: just guessing or using your memory, without taking time to think carefully or check the facts – Điều đầu tiên nghĩ đến là

I can't remember the name off the top of my head, but I can look it up for you.

Idioms ăn điểm cho người ôn IELTS mới bắt đầu 1

6. Find my feet (động từ):

Definition: To become comfortable doing something – Thích nghi, làm quen với

Moving to a new city was difficult as first, but I soon found my feet

7. A hot potato (danh từ):

Definition: A controversial topic – Chủ đề nóng, gây nhiều tranh cãi

Abortion and capital punishment are hot potatoes in my country at the moment.

8. Miss the boat (động từ):

Definition: Miss an opportunity – Lỡ mất cơ hội

I sent my application in late and I think I missed the boat.

9. Cost an arm and a leg (động từ):

Definition: Really expensive – Rất đắt đỏ
That luxurious necklace must cost an arm and a leg.

10. Over the moon (tính từ):

Definition: To be extremely pleased or happy – Hạnh phúc
I was over the moon when I passed my speaking test.

Idioms ăn điểm cho người ôn IELTS mới bắt đầu 2

11. A piece of cake (danh từ):

Definition: Very easy – Dễ dàng

Getting a band 6 in the IELTS speaking test will be a piece of cake.

12. Put all your eggs in one basket (động từ):

Definition: Put all your money or effort into one thing – Để hết trứng vào 1 giỏ
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. You should apply to lots of different universities

13. Soul mate (danh từ):

Definition: Someone you trust very deeply – Bạn tâm giao

My husband is not just my lover, he’s my soul mate also.

14. Set in their ways (động từ):

Definition: Not wanting to change – Truyền thống, khó thay đổi tư tưởng
My parents are quite traditional and set in their ways

15. Jumping the gun (động từ):

Definition: Làm điều gì đó quá nóng vội

You are taking your IELTS test next week? Aren’t you jumping the gun. You’ve only just started studying.

Idioms ăn điểm cho người ôn IELTS mới bắt đầu 3

16. Actions speak louder than words (mệnh đề)

Definition: Nên hành động hơn là nói suông

We have to actually do something about global warming. Actions speak louder than words.

17. Cut to the chase (động từ):

Definition: Leave out all the unnecessary details and just get to the point – Đi vào chủ đề chính

Come on, cut to the chase. We haven’t got all day!

18. Keep an eye on someone/something (động từ):

Definition: Watch someone or something carefully – Để mắt tới

Keep an eye on him. I think he may cheat in the exam.

19. Practice makes perfect (mệnh đề):

Definition: Continuously doing something to improve – Có công mài sắt có ngày nên kim

Let’s keep studying for IELTS.Practice makes perfect.

20. Look like a million dollars (động từ):

Definition: Trông hào nhoáng đắt tiền
” Did you see Jane? She looks like a million dollars.”

21. run-of-the-mill (tính từ):

Definition: bình thường, không có gì đặc biệt (= ordinary)
VD: Do you like your job?
As someone who works in the media industry, I would say what I enjoy most from my job is to challenge my creativity. My job doesn’t allow me to come up with run-of-the-mill concepts. Instead, It pushes me to be out of the box and generate highly creative ideas.

22. Lend an ear (động từ):

Definition: lắng nghe ai đó nói một cách chăm chú và quan tâm.
VD: What makes a good friend for you?
It is sympathy and understanding. A good friend should be someone who’s always willing to lend an ear if their friends any any problems.

23. On cloud nine (cụm giới từ):

Definition: cực kỳ vui sướng
VD: I was on cloud nine when being informed that I passed the test.

Idioms ăn điểm cho người ôn IELTS mới bắt đầu 4

24. Bite more than someone can chew (động từ)

Definition: Làm nhiều việc hơn khả năng của mình
VD: What is your job?
Well, I am currently working as an full-time nurse and a part-time IELTS teacher. Besides, I am an active member of an volunteer organization. You might think I am biting more than I can chew but no, I can totally handle it.

25. At all cost (trạng từ)

Definition: bằng mọi giá
Who do you look up to in life?
I really idolize Oprah. She sets an exceptional example of a young woman who’s determined to achieved her dreams at all cost. That really does resonate with me.

25. over someone's head (tính từ)

Definition: too difficult or complicated for somebody to understand (quá khó để ai đó hiểu được - vượt tầm hiểu biết)

This band 9 writing sample is far over my head. I couldn't understand the structures used in it.

Idioms ăn điểm cho người ôn IELTS mới bắt đầu 5

26. Have a lot on one’s plate (động từ)

Definition: Có rất nhiều việc phải làm
Do you often go travelling?
Before, I always took some time to travel to some destinations. But now as I am switching jobs and going through some major changes, I could not make it anymore. Basically, I am having a lot on my plate at the moment.

27. Out of the blue (tính từ)

Definition: Bất ngờ
VD: We were all certain that he would not come but then out of the blue, he turned up and amazed all of us.

28. Down in the dumps (tính từ)

Definition: Rất buồn
VD: When was the last time you failed?
It was when I took my my last IELTS speaking test. I got off-topic and then ran out of time. I was down in dumps for an week later.

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