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Book, Asia, Children, Boys, Education

Khi nhắc tới chủ đề giáo dục thì có rất nhiều các câu hỏi xoay quanh vấn đề này phải không? Chả hạn như bạn học ngành gì, bạn học trường nào, bạn có yêu thích ngành học của bạn không hoặc nếu không thích thì tại sao lại như vậy. Hay có một vài câu hỏi khác liên quan tới kỹ năng giảng dạy của giáo viên, vậy liệu việc áp dụng công nghệ vào giảng dạy có giúp chúng ta tiết kiệm nhân lực hơn hay không,… Vậy để giúp mọi người có thêm kiến thức cũng như từ vựng để đạt được band điểm cao hơn trong IELTS thì mọi người hãy cùng nhau tham khảo những câu hỏi thường gặp và hướng dẫn trả lời các câu hỏi này nhé!



Knowledge, Book, Library, Glasses

1. Now I’d like to hear more about you. Have you graduated or are you still studying?

2. Can you tell me something about your education?/Could you tell me something about your educational background?

3. What was/is your major?/ What did you major in? / Why did you choose … as your major?/ How do you like your major?

4. What do you like most about your studies? Or what do you dislike most about your studies? Is there anything satisfied or unsatisfied? Do you think we should change our traditional teaching technique?

5. Do you have any regrets about your education?/What was the most regretful/unforgettable experience in your college life?

6. Do you think what you have learned at college is beneficial to your future career?

7. Why did you choose that subject?

8. Can you describe yourself as a good student?

9. Can achieving the first-class qualifications help you to gain higher salary? Explain why or why not?

10. Can you explain why people see college life as an opportunity to reach a successful culmination?

11. Are you an introverted or extroverted student? What are advantages and disadvantages of being an introvert and extrovert? Give examples to clarify your answers?

12. Do you participate or take part in any school activities?

13. Is balancing between study and part-time job really difficult for you? Should we do part-time job while studying? How can we balance them? Give examples.


1. Has education in your country changed in the last 20 years?

Definitely yes! Education has considerately enhanced in recent years. Especially, hi-tech gadgets is beneficial to educate people significantly. In suburban areas, those who have not had a chance access to higher educational program are still able to register online study and obtain knowledge.

2. How do you think it will change in the future?

Broadly speaking, more children in the future will approach to more modern teaching ideas by learning through the Internet that don't need to go to school. Remarkably, arts and other extravagant hobbies will play an important role in human life because the more modern people are, the more recreational activities people want to get after a long day.

3. What is the importance of extracurricular activities such as sport and music?

These kind of extracurricular activities are essential to make children figure out their latent talent as quickly as they can. It is considered as the perfect way not only to unearth their talents but also maintain peers-bonding, learn soft skills in a non-academic environment. Furthermore, extracurricular acitivities also set children free and they don't have to undergo the school and peer pressure, and then they try to find the best version of themselves.

4. Do you have any regrets about your major?

Definitely not. I have never ever been regretful about my major. You know what? I’ve graduated at Foreign Trade University with the faculty of English Linguistics. I’m keen on Language, especially English. I remembered that every time I go to university, I recalled all of the unforgettable memories of learning English with passionate and devoted teachers. All of these things told me that I’m cut out for being an English teacher in the long run.

5. What was the most regretful/unforgettable experience in your college life?

Well, I revoked that I used to play truant or skip class when I’m in college life and it’s such a shame for me but also a remarkable memory that I have never forgotten. I was considered as one of the out-standing student in English Department; however, that day I overslept and even though the arlarm clock rang, I didn’t want to get up anymore. Therefore, I forgot to take the mid-term test, and unfortunately, I was not allowed to sit for the final test. So, this is one of the most regretful experience I makes me feel funny and unforgettable simultaneously.

6. Do you think what you have learned at college is beneficial to your future career?

Yes, absolutely. It is believed that billionaire cancelled his learning process at university and then he become a billionair, yeah I would say Bill Gates. However, we didn’t know that he was clever enough to be a student in Havard University. Therefore, if you are just a normal person, academic learning is the safe path to success because the majorities all do this. Especially, if you are qualified by certificates or qualifications, the recruiters or headhunters will see your potentials before they want to challenge you. Therefore, let’s think college is your oppoturnity and you will vie for it to shape your own future.

7. Can you describe yourself as a good student?

I just wanna say that good student is not a student who always attends all the lessons of the professors. I mean a good student is a person who can usually generate ideas for every questions that teachers give to them. They can skip class if they are tired or exhausted, but their self-study is higher than others. In the essence, they also participate or take part in class or school activities like volunteer or music performance.

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