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Luyện thi IELTS Grammar: Cụm danh từ (The noun phrase)

Kết hợp hai câu sử dụng cụm danh từ

Thời gian

Kết hợp hai câu để tạo thành một câu bằng cách sử dụng một cụm danh từ. Thêm giới từ khi cần thiết.

1. I live in Malaysia. I live in the capital city.

   I live in the capital city of Malaysia.

2. Many people buy their own home. The number is increasing.

   The number of  increasing.

3. A proposal was made by the education department. It was rejected by the government.

   The proposal  the government.

4. We have computer software. The software's purpose is to predict future earthquakes.

   We have computer software  earthquakes.

5. A new dictionary is about to be published. The dictionary contains more words than ever before.

   A new dictionary  to be published.

6. My favourite novel is a story. The story is based on the author's own experience.

   My favourite novel  own experience.

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