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Luyện thi IELTS Grammar: Cụm danh từ (The noun phrase)

Hiện tại phân từ hay quá khứ phân từ?

Thời gian

Điền vào các chỗ trống với phân từ hiện tại hoặc phân từ quá khứ của các động từ trong ngoặc.


1. The information given (give) in the graph shows that more and more people  (work) in towns and cities prefer to live in the countryside and commute to work. The number of people  (move) out of towns and cities increased significantly between 1985 and 2005.

2. Our awareness of food quality has changed recently with more people  (buy) organic food and eggs and meat  (produce) from animals that live in natural, comfortable conditions. Since 1980 the quantity of food (grow) organically in the UK has risen steadily.


3. The graph gives information  (concern) sales and profits of two manufacturing companies. Company A sells pencils  (make) in the UK, whereas Company B sells pencils  (manufacture) overseas. Company B has lower costs (result) in a higher annual profit.

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