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Trong bài viết này bạn sẽ tìm thấy từ vựng về chủ đề Children and Family. Những từ vựng về gia đình và trẻ em này sẽ giúp bạn viết về chủ đề hoặc nói về nó trong bài kiểm tra IELTS của mình.

Bảng từ vựng của chúng mình sẽ có dạng như sau:

Word Definition
An example sentence

I. Children and Family Vocabulary

Nuclear family Family group consisting of a pair of adults and their children
Most households in the Western world tend to be nuclear families.
Extended family Larger than the nuclear family - consisting of aunts, uncles, and cousins all living nearby or in the same household.
If you live with your extended family they can help to look after the children.
Single-parent A parent, not living with a spouse or partner, who has most of the day-to-day responsibilities in raising the child or children.
Some people believe that it is not good for children to grow up in a single-parent household.
Relatives Group of people related by blood or marriage
Relatives, such as grandparents, can play an important role in helping to raise children.
Siblings Brothers or sisters
I have three siblings – one brother and two sisters.
Adolescent A young person who is developing into an adult
Children can sometimes cause more problems for their parents when they become adolescents.
Dependants Someone who depends on you for financial support, such as a child or family member who does not work
My dependants will be well-looked after when I die as I have left a lot of money to them in my will.
Authoritarian demanding that people obey completely and refusing to allow them freedom to act as they wish
His father was very authoritarian and he used to scare me quite a lot.
Strict Strongly limiting someone's freedom to behave as they wish, or likely to severely punish someone if they do not obey.
Some parents believe that they have to be very strict with their children to ensure they behave well.
Birth control / Contraception (the use of) any of various methods intended to prevent a woman becoming pregnant
One of the reasons for the falling number of births in developing countries is birth control. Medical clinics often distribute free contraception.
Birth Rate The number of babies born over a given time
The birth rate has been falling in many countries.
Bring Up / Upbringing To care for a child until he or she is an adult, often giving him or her particular beliefs

Children should be brought up to respect their parents.

I had a very good upbringing.

Raise To take ​care of a ​person (or an ​animal or ​plant) until they are ​completely ​grown
Her parents raised her very well as she is now a very kind and considerate young woman.
Child Development The biological, psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence
There is no doubt that there are factors external to the family that significantly impact on a child's development.
Childcare Care for children provided by either the government, an organization, or a person, while parents are at work or are away for another reason
Cheap childcare is very important in order to allow mother's to return to work.
Divorce An official or legal process to end a marriage

My parents divorced when I was 15.

Divorce is very common these days.

Separation An arrangement, but not necessarily done legally, by which two married people stop living together as a couple
Me and my partner are having a trial separation. Hopefully we can sort things out.
Child Neglect A form of child abuse where there is an ongoing failure to meet a child's basic needs, such as being left without adequate food, clothes, shelter, medicine etc.
Social services will intervene if a child has been neglected.
Dysfunctional Family A family where there is conflict, misbehavior, and often child neglect, resulting in poor emotional and physical health
The child comes from a very dysfunctional family. The father was violent and is now in prison and the mother has a drugs problem.
Emotional Security To feel happy and secure from having enough love, acceptance and respect
The most important factor leading to a fulfilled and happy life for a child is emotional security.
Well-adjusted Reasonable and has good judgment and their behaviour is not difficult or strange
A child brought up by responsible parents and provided with emotional security will grow up to be very well-adjusted.
Responsible Parent Having good judgement and the ability to act correctly when bringing up a child e.g. ensuring they are not in any danger
If you have children it is very important to be responsible parents.
Formative years A period of a person's life, usually childhood, that has a big influence on the person they become and the rest of that persons life
If things go wrong for someone in their formative years, it can have an impact on their adult life.
Adoption Taking on the legal responsibilities as parent of a child that is not one's biological child
If a couple can't have a child they may decide to adopt.

Taking on the responsibilities for a child in place of the child's natural parents but without legally adopting the child.

Fostering a child can be a very fulfilling experience.

They have decided to become foster parents.

Nurture Care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing
It is the family that can provide a supportive, secure, and nurturing environment, which is crucial to the way in which a child becomes an adult.
Overprotective Parents Wishing to protect a child too much
Children who have had overprotective parents do not build up a strong character to deal with the outside world on their own.
Spoiled Child A child who shows bad behaviour from overindulgence by their parents
Children who are given everything that they demand from their parents may become very spoiled.

II. Model IELTS Essays - Child Development

IELTS Essays - Model Answer

While parents obviously play a major role in the way that their child develops as they get older, many people believe that social factors outside of the family now influence children much more. This essay will examine both sides of the argument.

There is no doubt that there are factors external to the family that significantly impact on a child’s development. For example, there is television and the internet. Children these days have access to these much more than they used to in the past, and they will pick up language and see things that will teach them about life. Friends also have an important influence as a child will often copy peers that they admire and respect. This could be positive behaviour but it could also be negative, such as smoking or taking drugs.

Ultimately, however, it is family who have the most important impact. Children spend nearly all of their time with their family, especially in their early years. They develop their confidence, socialisation skills, morals, values and views on life through their interaction with them. Proof of the importance of this can be seen in the differences between some children. Those that grow up in a dysfunctional home often eventually have problems themselves, whilst those that are brought up in a warm and close environment end up more confident and secure in adult life.

To conclude, it is the family that can provide a supportive, secure, and nurturing environment, which is crucial to the way in which a child becomes an adult. Although it is clear that social factors play a part, I would argue that it is the former that is the most important.

(278 words)

III. Comment

Bài essay về phát triển trẻ em có phần giới thiệu tốt, trong đó nêu rõ hai ý kiến ​​trái ngược nhau là gì (điều này được thực hiện bằng cách diễn giải câu hỏi).

Câu luận án (câu cuối cùng của phần giới thiệu) sau đó nêu rõ những gì sẽ có trong bài luận - một cuộc thảo luận về hai ý kiến.

Các đoạn thân bài được viết rất mạch lạc - mỗi đoạn thảo luận rõ ràng về một trong những ý kiến được nhắc tới ở mở bài. Các câu chủ đề cũng đã được sử dụng hiệu quả trong từng đoạn thân bài để xác định chủ đề và kiểm soát ý tưởng:

  • There is no doubt that there are factors external to the family that significantly impact on a child’s development.
  • Ultimately, however, it is family who have the most important impact.

Lưu ý việc sử dụng 'however' để cho thấy rằng cần phải đưa ra ý kiến ​​tương phản. Điều này mang lại cho đoạn văn tính mạch lạc.

Câu chủ đề của đoạn thân bài thứ hai cũng cho thấy rõ rằng mặt khác của tranh luận này cũng là ý kiến mà người viết ủng hộ

Có một số từ vựng tốt liên quan tới chủ để này. Ví dụ như: peers; socialisation skills; dysfunctional home; supportive; secure; nurturing

Có sự kết hợp sử dụng các câu phức tạp trong bài tiểu luận về phát triển trẻ em này. Ví dụ:

  • While parents obviously play a major role...

  • There is no doubt that...

  • Friends also have an important influence as...

  • Ultimately, however, it is family who...

  • ...whilst those that are brought up...

  • Although it is clear that...

Ý kiến ​​của người viết được làm rõ trong đoạn thân bài thứ hai, nhưng người viết cũng làm rõ lại nó một lần nữa trong phần kết luận và cũng tóm tắt các ý chính của bài essay.

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